Brow Design – This is a perfect service for first-time clients. After collaborating together to achieve your desired look, brows are (choose) waxed/tweezed/threaded and then shaped to create the best shape for your face. $28/20min
Brow Henna – A natural plant pigment that is used to tint the brows AND skin under the brows, giving the eyebrows a more defined shape and bolder color. Color on skin lasts 1-2 weeks while color on eyebrow hair lasts 4-6 weeks. $50/30min
Brow Design & Brow Henna – Brow shaping and brow henna coverage. $65/40min
Brow Design & Tint – Brow shaping and brow tint. $45/25min
Brow Maintenance – This service if for returning Brow Design clients after 4-6 weeks. (Not an option for first time clients). Brows are waxed and groomed, then restored to original shape. Choose from Waxing / Threading to remove stubborn hairs and get those brows back in tip top shape. $23/15min
Brow Tint – Tinting offers even the tiniest, lightest hairs a boost of color. Results last up to 2-3 weeks. $25/15min
Brow Maintenance & Brow Tint – $40/20min